Tag Archives: bake it

Roll Cookie Dough

How To Roll Cookie Dough

Roll Cookie Dough

I made Christmas cookies. I really like to make decorated cookies. Except maybe when I mess up the colors and have to start over again. That may or may have happened. Except it totally did!

Here’s a trick to rolling even cookies. Take a trip to Hobby Lobby, Lowe’s, Home Depot, or anywhere you can buy wooden dowels. Buy one of the 1/4 inch square dowels. It will cost less than a dollar. Cut that thing in half. Now your cookie making will totally change for the better!

Roll Cookie Dough

Lay down wax paper, your wooden dowels, and the rolling pen. See that space between the rolling pins and the wax paper? That’s where the cookie dough will go.

Roll Cookie Dough

Roll out the dough and the rolling pin on top of the dowels will guarantee you have perfect 1/4 cookies. Simple, but brilliant right? It’s not my idea so I can say it’s brilliant!

Roll Cookie Dough

After the shapes are cut out but before you remove the excess cookie dough, put the wax paper with the dough into the freezer for about 2 minutes. I put the wax paper onto a cookie sheet so it’s easy to move between the freezer and the counter. The firm cookies from the freezer are easy to punch out of the excess dough.

Roll Cookie Dough

This is what happens when I bake!

Roll Cookie Dough

Roll Cookie Dough

Be sure to share those Christmas cookies so you don’t end up with Santa’s Belly this year!

Roll Cookie Dough

Roll Cookie Dough